I happen to really like oatmeal. My kids, however, hate it. Then I had a great idea to combine two of my favorite breakfast items, one of which my kids DO like: Oatmeal and Yogurt.

I use the quick oats so they aren't quite as healthy, but it's that or nothing around here. Mama's busy with babies.
Oats and Yogurt
1/4 cup quick oats
1/2 cup water
1 container yogurt
Combine oats and water. Microwave for 1 minute. Stir in yogurt and serve.
Try this out--even if you hate oatmeal. Unless you hate oatmeal AND yogurt.
Umm...I am not sure about this one. But, I have yet to make something you've recommended and not like it. So, I'll give it a try. [I like yogurt. I like oatmeal. It's worth a test run.]